Sequence Diagram Question
Mark Fortner
2011-07-30 00:42:33 UTC
Is there an easy way to add classes and method calls to a sequence diagram?

When I right click on a class in the explorer and select "Add to Diagram"
from the menu, I can click on the diagram to place the class, but the class
never appears as a classifier on the diagram. My thought was that I should
be able to do the same thing for method calls, by simply clicking on the
method name and selecting "Add to Diagram" but there isn't a menu item like

Is there some other way I should be approaching this? The rather sparse
sequence diagram documentation doesn't give me any clues about this.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Thomas Neustupny
2011-07-30 21:00:45 UTC
Hi Mark,

here's what I know:

- You can drag a class from the explorer to the seq diagram.
- Adding a class as a base of the classifier role should work too, but I see that with the new property panel this option seems to be broken.
- If you draw a message to a lifeline that is based on a class with an operation, you can right-click the message line and pick one of the classes operations.

Hope that helps,

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 17:42:33 -0700
Betreff: [argouml-users] Sequence Diagram Question
Is there an easy way to add classes and method calls to a sequence diagram?
When I right click on a class in the explorer and select "Add to Diagram"
from the menu, I can click on the diagram to place the class, but the class
never appears as a classifier on the diagram. My thought was that I should
be able to do the same thing for method calls, by simply clicking on the
method name and selecting "Add to Diagram" but there isn't a menu item like
Is there some other way I should be approaching this? The rather sparse
sequence diagram documentation doesn't give me any clues about this.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Bob Tarling
2011-07-30 22:43:05 UTC
Post by Thomas Neustupny
- Adding a class as a base of the classifier role should work too, but I see that with the new property panel this option seems to be broken.
Sounds like issue 6310 - should be fixed now.



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